Are you being called by Jesus Christ to live the Gospel in the spirit of Saint Francis of Assisi?
For 800 years the spiritual sons of Saint Francis have laboured at change and transformation in every spectrum of life.
If you have felt the Lord calling you to:
A Life Lived in Common
A Life of Prayer and the Sacraments
A Life of Charity and Service
A Life Devoted to Our Blessed Mother Mary
Don’t hesitate to contact the Vocation Director for more information!
How Do I Become A Franciscan?
A. Contact the Vocation Director
Make contact and introduce yourself, he will help to guide you.
B. “Come and See”
Arrange to visit with the friars over time.
C. Application Process
Letters of recommendation, transcripts, medical examination, etc.
Catholic, male; high school certificate; good health, a desire to learn, serve, sacrifice, and share a common life.
Vocations Q&A
Br. Joseph Wood, OFM Conv.
Learn more about a vocation to the Conventual Franciscans by watching this short video. Br. Joseph answers some typical questions regarding vocations, and shares his own personal experiences and vocation journey.
The Formation Process
Preparation - Aspirancy
Location: Kellyville, NSW Australia
As our presence in Australia is a small one, we want to ensure that those undergoing formation with us are not disadvantaged by our limited capabilities. Because of this, we provide formundi with a more well-rounded and fuller formation experience at our interprovincial formation program in the United States of America with other men from the English speaking conference. Because of the international nature of our formation program, it is important that the individual man has the chance to fully immerse himself and grow roots with our Friars in Australia, as well as provide the Friars an opportunity to better discern the man's suitability before endorsing and sponsoring his formation. An 'unofficial' period of Aspirancy has been introduced to allow for this.
This period of discernment is flexible and catered to individual circumstances, but generally would last between 6-12 months. The Aspirant would live full time with our Friars in Kellyville, NSW, adopting the prayer and activities of the friary schedule, and undertake basic introductory classes on the Catechism, prayer, spirituality, Franciscan Life and Charism, and the Religious Life in general. The Aspirant would be encouraged to be involved with the local parish and shrine, and in the wider events of the greater Sydney Church. They wouldn't be 'locked in' as much as with a more formal period of formation, and would still be free to visit with friends and family, in consultation with their Friar mentor. During Aspirancy, the man would also begin to finalise their application to the Postulancy program, and, once approved, make preparation for their travel to the United States.
1. Introduction - Postulancy
Location: Chicago, IL USA
Normally a one year immersion into the Franciscan way of life. Common prayer, pertinent classes, outreach ministries to the poor, and regular participation in Franciscan events.
2. Incorporation - Novitiate
Location: Arroyo Grande, CA USA
After the reception of the habit, the novice participates in an experience of “a-year-and-a-day” of deepening his understanding of his Franciscan vocation.
At the conclusion of the Novitiate, the novice professes “temporary vows.” He renews his vows for at least three years before applying for “solemn vows” as his life commitment.
3. Integration - Post-Novitiate
Location: TBD with Individual
Priesthood candidate: pursues studies as required for ordination (philosophy, theology, etc.)
Brotherhood candidate: pursues studies or attains experience appropriate for his focus of ministry.
Vocations Ad
Our vocations poster featuring some images and contact information.
Vocations Pamphlet
Our vocations pamphlet with more detailed information about the Conventual Franciscan Order, discernment, and application requirements.
Vocation Director
To express your interest in discerning a vocation with the Conventual Franciscan Friars, please contact our Vocation Director Br. Bernard Mary, who would be glad to receive your inquiry and will reply as soon as possible.
Br. Bernard Mary Fonkalsrud OFM Conv.
Call: 02 9629 1558